18 October 2008

Interior layout

a tour of Lolita

First we have Jaime, the executive chef and owner of Lolita. The terraza is on the second floor, as seen both facing the kitchen and facing out to the street. Last is the main dining room with waiter Tony waiting for the guests to arrive.

15 October 2008


Nice compliment to a fruit plate, this is an herb sorbet. Let it get hard and then scrape it out with a fork as you need it.

50 g. Hierba Luisa (lemon verbina)
50 g. Romero (rosemary)
50 g. Tomillo (thyme)
1 g. pimienta negra (black pepper)
2 litros h20
150 g. azucar (sugar)

12 October 2008

Semisphera de Foie

Served as a first course at Senzone, this is foie formed in a half circle mold, with strips of caramelized apple and sliced almonds and Foie ice cream. Apple glaze.

Menu de Mercado, October 08

4th course

Tocinillo de romero con queso de cabra y caramelo balsamico de frutos rojos.

Named tocinillo after tocino, the belly fat of pork, because of its similar texture. With a delicate flavor of rosemary, it is an interesting combo with the goat cheese ice cream. The sweet balsamic helps to cut through it.

Menu de Mercado, October 08

2nd course

Fabes verdinas con bacalao confitado.

Simple dish of fava beans, cooked with the veg and jamon, poached in olive oil bacalao with garnish of pil pil.

Menu de Mercado, October 08

Third course
Lasana de patata crujiente y cordero, setas, aceite de cebollino y espuma de menta.
Layered with dark bechamel made from the pan drippings of the roasted lamb, also shown on plate.