Sure, I thought I knew how to make a paella. That was back in the old days, living in Orlando, fresh out of culinary school with issued recipe in hand. I even rewrote that faithful diction down in my bible of need to know recipes. Then, in 2002, I went to Valencia and was treated to a true 'campo' a family's out of the city chill out spot. Amazing...this huge pan with rabbit, vegetables and that ever present Nora pepper in some form or another. Then, on subsequent visits there came the restaurant visits, at the beach or in the mountains. But it was not until I started working over here did I make my first one at home....which are always the best. First at Monastrell and then at Senzone did I learn to make and then get good at making them. Nothing beats a Sunday paella!!!!
I'm an American, born and raised in the city of Philadelphia. I have also lived in Orlando, Port St. Lucie, Chicago and Kansas City. In March of 2007 I moved to Alicante, Spain. I am living here with my wife, Mette, who is Danish. I feel like I've been cooking my whole life, but I always feel like I need to be so much better at it. When I was 10, my family had a boat and summer place in Cape May, NJ. When I wasnt catching flounder and weakfish, I was cleaning them for the tourists on the party boats for $2 a fish. When I was a patrol leader in boy scouts, I was cooking for my team on weekend camping trips. Then it was on to Florida for high school, and I started cooking in a restaurant. 4 years of college and a degree in cultural anthropology later, with several years of cooking jobs in the meantime, I entered into culinary school...and have not looked back since. I've met a lot of great people and have cooked for many, but my favorite meal is always the one that can be....I had a dream job that I just left behind to start a new life with the one I love, and every day that comes is filled with so much promise, with just so much.....