I'm an American, born and raised in the city of Philadelphia. I have also lived in Orlando, Port St. Lucie, Chicago and Kansas City. In March of 2007 I moved to Alicante, Spain. I am living here with my wife, Mette, who is Danish. I feel like I've been cooking my whole life, but I always feel like I need to be so much better at it. When I was 10, my family had a boat and summer place in Cape May, NJ. When I wasnt catching flounder and weakfish, I was cleaning them for the tourists on the party boats for $2 a fish. When I was a patrol leader in boy scouts, I was cooking for my team on weekend camping trips. Then it was on to Florida for high school, and I started cooking in a restaurant. 4 years of college and a degree in cultural anthropology later, with several years of cooking jobs in the meantime, I entered into culinary school...and have not looked back since. I've met a lot of great people and have cooked for many, but my favorite meal is always the one that can be....I had a dream job that I just left behind to start a new life with the one I love, and every day that comes is filled with so much promise, with just so much.....
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