11 October 2008

Gelatina - Discos

We are making gelatin from burned leek stock. Basically we take the leeks and place them directly on the burning fire and let them completely char. Some we take and puree into a dust in the Thermomix, and the rest we infuse into water and reduce into a stock. Strain it several times and then follow instructions. Pour 1/2 liter of stock into each full plastic hotel pan and let set up. Cut out discs and we are using it on the apperitivo this week. Which is served in a small stemmed bowl: steamed cauliflower drizzled with oil of the nora pepper, the gelatin disc on top, a flake of poached cod, minced red pepper, a water soaked slice of spring onion, drizzled arbequenia olive oil, and a smidge of sal maldon (flaked crystal salt).

5 g. kappa
2 g. agar agar
por 1 litro, frio (for 1 liter)
levantar a 85°c (bring to 85°c on the stove)
pour out, 500 ml for a hotel pan
let rest

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